ADHD Treatments- Why Your Attitude is the Most Important ADHD Prescription

Released on = January 16, 2006, 8:17 pm

Press Release Author = Celebrate! ADHD

Industry = Healthcare

Press Release Summary = Parents spend billions on ADHD treatments while overlooking
the most effective prescription to help their children: changing their attitudes.
Many parents believe that prescription stimulants such as Ritalin, or even many
natural treatments, are the key to helping children with ADHD succeed in school.
Unfortunately, they do not realize that their constant negativity, harsh words and
pessimistic attitude rob kids of their confidence.

Press Release Body = (Washington, D.C.) January 19, 2006 - Parents spend billions
on ADHD treatments while overlooking the most effective prescription to help their
children: changing their attitudes.

Many parents believe that prescription stimulants such as Ritalin, or even many
natural treatments, are the key to helping children with ADHD succeed in school.
Unfortunately, they do not realize that their constant negativity, harsh words and
pessimistic attitude rob kids of their confidence.

According to Kirk Martin, Founder of educational organization Celebrate! ADHD,
"Changing your attitude can have a profound effect on kids with ADHD. Positive
affirmations and excitement about a child's future can instill a sense of belief
that transcends difficulties."

Often called the "Real Life ADHD Super Nanny" for his forays into "explosive
households" to help families struggling with ADHD, Martin asserts the following:

· It is tragic that 75 of 100 kids who walk into a psychiatrist's office for the
very first time walk out with a prescription in hand for stimulant medication to
treat ADHD.

· Children are often medicated as a first option for the convenience of parents and
teachers, who want to make kids with ADHD compliant and change their nature.

· Kids with ADHD don't need to be changed-Celebrate! ADHD has witnessed an 85%
reduction in use of Ritalin by working with a child's nature instead of against it.

· Children with ADHD possess superior traits their peers do not possess. In fact,
society desperately needs the energy, creativity, imagination, passion and
persistence that only children with ADHD possess.

· The best writers, directors, actors, musicians and inventors have ADHD- eradicate
ADHD and you may as well shut down Blockbuster, Barnes & Noble and Best Buy.

· Passionate, intuitive feelers such as Bono and Johnny Depp who thrive as
performing artists-not to mention visionary innovators like iPod inventor Steve Jobs
and Richard Branson-owe much of their success to the unique qualities that
medication often numbs.

The gravest danger of overmedicating is destroying a child's self-worth. "Medicating
our kids sends the insidious message that they are inferior and incapable of
self-control," Martin insists. "We should never tell our children that they can be
successful only if we change who they are."

Instead, parents should foster the advantageous qualities specifically afforded by
ADHD. Cultivating a child's natural gifts, talents and passions can dramatically
improve self-confidence, relationships and academic success.

"In the end," Martin adds, "your attitude is the most potent prescription."

Celebrate! ADHD provides free tips for parents through its monthly newsletter. Visit or email Kirk Martin at for more information.

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Contact Details = Kirk Martin||43192 Newbridge Square||Ashburn ,

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